Genealogy research has changed over the last 35 years in ways we never imagined possible. The internet has come of age. Archives have made some of their records available online, cemeteries have been documented and can be viewed on the internet, libraries have digitized books and more.

Computers and their technology have made strides as well. Whereas computers were clunky boxes and screens with limited functionality the dedicated programs were very limited. Computers have grown stronger and faster, storage options have changed over and over – and over, laptops are more prevalent and tablets and cell phones have made our computing possible on the go. The software has transformed into apps and the choices are almost unending.

As we combine the changes in computing and the changes in genealogy research we have opportunities to explore and we can rethink how we carry with us and store our information.

With the enormous variety of apps available on the market – which ones may prove to be our “new best friend”? There are, of course, apps that each of the major genealogy companies have made available to users so that you can carry your family tree and its information with you. There are also apps that don’t immediately scream GENEALOGY. We can, however, adapt many of them for our genealogy research and family connections.

The apps that are mentioned in the lecture are available over a variety of platforms – both iOS and Google Play, for both phone and tablet (unless otherwise mentioned). All of the apps chosen here are free. This list is not exhaustive nor is it comprehensive. An effort has been made to bring to you a variety of options for different categories so that you can make choices of the tools that look like they will work the best for you. Everyone has a unique style and some apps will speak to you more than others. There are no right answers – enjoy experimenting!

My hope is that you will all find one or two new tools that you didn’t think of using before for your genealogy work and adopt (and adapt) them to your needs.


This lecture was given live on 28 Jan 2019 at the IGRA Ra’anana location by Garri Regev, Past President of IGRA.