IGRA starts the year 2025 with a huge update on its database of more than 46,000 new listings. We have just added 5 completely new databases and updated 3 others previously released. Including Holocaust survivors, various stages of the evacuees’ travels, marriages and divorces, and voter lists, the following recap will give you a good idea about the release, and hopefully will bring you new records about your relatives.

Immigration 1973 – (images available)
This release includes the lists for the months January – April, and includes 16,763 names. The documents are from the Israel State Archives.

Evacuees 1947 – (images available)
In 1947 the British started evacuating British citizens from Palestine to Egypt and on to other countries. This is a collection of four documents, together with 3,055 names. The collection deals with various stages of the evacuees’ travels and therefore a person may appear more than once. The documents are from the Israel State Archives.

Name Changes 1958 & 1969 – update
Official name changes were published in the government publication Yalkut HaPirsumin (Official Gazette) through 1973. There can be many reasons for a name change and all official changes go through the Ministry of Interior. This release includes the publications of 1958 & 1959 and includes 16,803 names. These publications are in the National Library of Israel, law libraries and offices, and partially on the internet.

Avnei Hefetz – (images available)
The documents are from 1983.  It is a land redemption fund for the settlement of Avnei Hefetz in the Shomron. 162 names are listed. The documents are from the Israel State Archives.

Remittances from the British Consul General New York 1923-1934 – (images available)
This is a list of 299 applicants who requested or renewed their passport through the office of the British Consul General stationed in New York City, USA. The documents are from the Israel State Archives.

1937 Petah Tiqva Divorce Certificates– (images available)
Many of the divorces of the Jewish population in the center of Eretz Israel were done through the rabbinical court of Petah Tikva. The copies of the certificates issued in this collection were then given to the District Office of the Settlements of the British Mandate government.  4,456 people were divorced. The documents are from the Israel State Archives.

Holocaust Survivor– (images available) update
This is an update to material published by IGRA a few years ago and includes 1,621 Yugoslavian Jewish survivors and the names of 463 Polish Jewish liberated from the Bergen Belsen Camp. These documents are from the internet. 

1950 Voters List Haifa Kalfi 74-76 – (images available) update
Voters’ lists since the founding of the State of Israel include residents of all denominations. This release is the final release for the municipal elections in Haifa. It includes 3,032 voters and is for voters’ precincts 74-76. The original document is in the Haifa Municipal Archives.

Thank you to all our volunteers who had a part in making these databases available. You can also help us prepare additional databases. Write to us at [email protected]

* In order to release new records quickly IGRA posts some records without transliteration.