"IGRA does not endorse or recommend any of the professionals here advertised.
This list is provided as a public service to our visitors and members."

Aviad Ben Izhak – Yedaat Family Trees

From Israel, 33 years of experience in computing in IDF and Bank Leumi. (Retired from the army as Lt. Col, Head of the School of Computing at Mamram).
- Certified in Business Management MBA
- Graduate of Economy & Political Science

Professionally performs genealogical inquiries.
Researching online databases and archives.
Licensed to research online databases with billions of records.
Nominated as a Geni Curator (May 2017).
Wide experience in genealogy – documentation of more than 20,000 of people and unifying information about thousands of families.
Combines years of experience in computing with a vast knowledge of family history in order to achieve the best results.
All over the world.
Mobile: +972-52-890-4306
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://yedaat.co.il
Facebook: facebook.com/yedaat

Dr. Jutta Faehndrich – GermanGen.de

Dr. Jutta Faehndrich
Historian (MA, PhD) located in Leipzig & Berlin. Multiple published books and over 15 years of experience in Jewish family research.
  • Tracing their lives – We’ll find historical documents and consult local archives for you.
  • Deciphering & translating – As handwriting experts, we can read even the most illegible scrawl.
  • Finding relatives – We’ll leave no stone unturned to unite families or clarify fates of relatives.
  • Remembering – Find out where your ancestors lived, prepare a visit or have Stolpersteine installed.
  • Citizenship – We specialize in German citizenship for German-speaking Jewish families from Central Europe.
  • Germany including former Eastern provinces
  • Languages: Hebrew, English, German

Michael Goldstein

Past President of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS), The Israel Genealogical Society, JewishGen Board of Governors. Member of The Association of Professional Social Workers; IGRA; JGS of Montreal, Los Angeles, Toronto and NY and the APG.
Jewish Genealogical research since 1986 with a focus on tracing roots worldwide, family reunification, heir searches and Holocaust research. Research at archives in Israel, Canada, USA and Germany, Eastern Europe.
Languages: Hebrew, English, Yiddish, French.
Geographic Specialties: NY, Belarus, Czech Republic, England, Hungary, Israel, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine
Telephone : +1 (514) 400 1471; +1 (617) 275 4246; +972 (52) 861 0258
[email protected]

Bryna Lee Jacobson - My Tech Tutor

From Chicago, B.S. Psychology from University of Illinois, CPA with many years of business experience. Aliyah 2009. ​Patient​,​ accomplished tutor​ and partner​ in using modern technology such as computers and smartphones. Research ​paired with the joy of ​discovery and ​exploration, demystifies the process​ -​ makes it ​a ​fun, exciting ​productive​ endeavor​.​​​
Whether you are new to genealogy or an experienced researcher, the ​​research can be overwhelming. My Tech Tutor provides personalized support and ​guidance ​in the use of computer programs, apps and websites explor​​ing​​ online records and databases to research family histories and creat​e​ family trees.
Recent​ly​ digitizing family trees​/​Israel National Library​ archives​.​ Helping Harriet Kasow, genealogist, retired Hebrew U librar​ian write ​her family history​.​​
Mobile: +972-50-772-5767
Email: [email protected]
Website: mytechtutoril.com

Dr. Rose Lerer Cohen

  • Born in South Africa. Immigrated to Israel 1978
  • Family Researcher and Independent Holocaust Researcher with two decades of experience
  • PhD: Resilience and Achievement of Lithuanian Child Holocaust Survivors
  • Publication: Lerer Cohen, Rose & Issroff, Saul: The Holocaust in Lithuania: A Book of Remembrance. Gefen 2002.
  • Board Member of APG (Association of Professional Genealogists), Board member of LitvakSIG, Past Board Member of IGRA and of the IGRA Audit Committee
  • I specialize in genealogy research can connect you to your ancestral past
  • I can assist you to re-create your family history; celebrate life’s memories
  • I can search for and unite with family members lost in the Holocaust
  • I can assist you in obtaining second passports in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Germany
  • I can research the archives and assist you to locate documentsyou’re your genealogy research
  • I can assist you to leverage your family history towards EU citizenship.
  • Israel, South Africa, Lithuania (cooperation with researchers world over)
  • Holocaust Research.
  • Oral History Interviews
  • Expert Opinion
  • Languages: English Afrikaans Hebrew Yiddish
Rose Lerer Cohen - Kin-Search Israel
Genealogy and Research Consultants
Website: www.kin-search.com

Roman Ravve

From Kiev, B.A. Philosophy with the major in Jewish Studies from International Solomon University. Full time genealogist since 2014 with the primary focus on Jewish ancestry.
Archival documents for genealogy, citizenship, heir search and more. Preparing a research plan, locate the appropriate archival inventories, check the files, make copies, translate, build family tree charts and trace the descendants all the way to the living relatives. The testimonials on demand.
Areas: Ukraine, Romania, Belarus, Poland, Austria, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, and others.
Languages: English, Hebrew, Russian, Ukrainian
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Whatsapp: +38-096-9620678


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“IGRA does not endorse or recommend any of the professionals here advertised.
This list is provided as a public service to our visitors and members.”