This page contains a list, in English, of burial societies in Israel, based on the Hevra Kadisha and the non-Orthodox alternative list in Hebrew maintained by the government Ministry of Religious Services. Other societies that are not on those lists have also been added.
When looking to find the burial location of a relative who was buried in Israel, finding the burial society that buried them is usually the best way to find the grave. Burial societies sometime manage whole cemeteries, but in many cases only manage sections of cemeteries (so a single cemetery might have many burial societies managing different sections). Some cemeteries in Israel have records of burials, but in general these records are held by the burial societies.
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Below the table you will also find additional notes about burial societies and how to use this information to further your genealogy research. [Jump to the notes]
Town/City | Name of Hevra Kadisha | Address | Telephone | Contact Person(s) | Name and Location of Cemetery |
Afula | Religious Council Sderot Arlozoroff 34, POB 2041 | 04-659-3507 04-642-6200 04-642-6100 | Shalom Mizrahi 050-319-9273 | ∩ Rechov Negba | |
Akko | Religious Council Yehoshafat 29, POB 174 | 04-991-0402 04-991-1098 04-981-7053 04-981-7057 | • Yitzhak Elharar 08-864-1642 052-839-0271 • Binyamin Biton Administrator of Cemeteries 04-955-1215 052-839-0278 | ∩ Old Cemetery - Adjacent to the Industrial Zone ∩ New Cemetery - Located in Elite Mechar |
Alfei-Menashe | Religious Council Gilboa 116 POB 419 | 09-792-5757 09-792-6465 | ∩ At entrance of the community | ||
Arad | Religious Council Rechov Yehuda 34, POB 169 | 08-995-9491 08-995-7269 08-995-9758, ext. 2 | ∩ Shaked neighborhood on road to Masada | ||
Ariel | Religious Council Rechov Mishol 7A POB 4066 | 03-936-6539 03-936-6088 | • Yoram Tzafira 054-569-1282 | ∩ Cemetery located in Barkan | |
Ashdod | Religious Council Henrietta Szold 2 POB 2161 | 08-863-0630 | ∩ Industrial zone, Road S | ||
Ashkelon | Religious Counci Eshtaol 1 Migdal Amirim first floor POB 48 | 08-671-4401 | ∩ Old Cemetery (Ramat Eshkol Neighborhood) ∩ New Cemetery (South Ashkelon in the Givat Zion neighborhood) |
Atlit | Religious Council Hakalaniot 1, POB 1187 | 04-984-2141 04-984-2922 | • Yehuda Elmakis 04-984-2836 052-376-6478 • Meir Amsalem Cemetery Administrator 04-954-1687 | ∩ Located at the Atlit Salt Company | |
Beersheva | Religious Council Rechov Hatalmud 8/A POB 4495 | ∩ Old cemetery & very old cemetery on the Hatzerim Road ∩ New cemetery three kilometers on the Hatzerim Road opposite the army base |
Beersheva | 78 Sderot Hadassah | 050-7566563 | Menucha Nechona, Beersheva | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Beit Shemesh | Rechov Herzl 615 POB 43 | 02-991-2867 02-991-1361 | ∩ Near the Egged offices, below the Nachala u'Menucha neighborhood | ||
Binyamina | Religious Council Rechov Keren Hayesod 2 POB 8 | 04-618-6400 04-628-8749 | • Asher Dahan 050-749-5347 057-749-5347 | ∩ Rechov Haerez 1, corner of Rechov Nili 27 | |
Bnai Ayish | Religious Council Rechov Hakalniot 135 POB 371 | 08-859-3333 08-859-2554 | ∩ Between Bnai Ayish & Hatzav at the end of Rechov Hakaliniot | ||
Bnai Brak | Hevra Kadisha Panevezys | Rechov R' Abba 7 POB 26 | 03-618-3111 03-618-3112 03-618-3113 | ∩ End of Rechov Hazon-Ish | |
Bnai Brak | Shomrei Shabbat | Rechov HaShelah 18 | 03-619-4699 03-618-2863 | ∩ End of Rechov Hazon-Ish | |
Bnai Brak | Shomrei Hadat | Rechov Herzl 23 POB 727 | 03-937-6295 03-924-7722 03-922-3726 | ∩ Be'er Ya'akov Cemetery (West of the moshav on road to Nes Ziona) | |
Caesarea | Rechov Habrosh 16, POB 4503 | • Dr. Yosef Sharvit 04-636-2808 04-636-1127 • Dennis Ransia Director 04-626-1313 052-266-6750 | ∩ Opposite the Naot Caesarea neighborhood | ||
Carmiel | Religious Council Nisiei Yisrael Blvd. 12/100 | 04-998-563- 04-998-1405 | • Shaul Peretz 04-998-7799 050-541-6804 • For non-Jewish Cemetery contact Yitzhak Daudi 052-227-0952 | ∩ In the Industrial Zone ∩ Area non-Jewish Cemetery in the Industrial Zone |
Dimona | Religious Council New Commercial Center POB 11 | 08-655-2227 08-655-4258 | • Avraham Susia 08-655-3780 057-770-5797 | ||
Efrat | Religious Council Commercial Center T'eina POB 1019 | 02-993-3120 02-993-1772 | ∩ Situated in Gush Etzion in a separate section for Efrat | ||
Eilat | Religious Council Rechov Eilat 409/4 POB 15 | 08-637-6135 | • Michael Medina 057-771-7100 | ∩ Past Shchunat Elef, on Sheshet Hayamim Blvd. | |
Eliyachin | Religious Council Rechov Shabazi Merkaz | 04-636-5839 04-636-6537 | ∩ End of Rechov Nachaliali, west of Elyachin | ||
Elkana | Religious Council POB 2 | 03-936-3438 03-936-2085 | ∩ Northeast end of the community | ||
Even Yehuda | Religious Council Rechov Asuta 4 POB 37 | 09-899-7121 | • Asahel Sharabi 050-651-0120 | ∩ Even Yehuda (at the border of the settlement) | |
Gan Yavne | Rechov Hashoftim POB 8 | 08-857-4410 | • Zion Cohen 050-548-5359 | ∩ New Cemetery (Southeast adjacent to Kibbutz Hatzor) ∩ Old Cemetery (North of the town) |
Gedara | Sefardi Hevra Kadisha | Religious Council Rechov Lilienblum 63 POB 177 | 08-859-7917 08-859-2625 08-859-7519 | ∩ Southern Gedara on Rechov Ben-Gurion Blvd. | |
Gedara | Ashkenazi Hevra Kadisha | POB 61 | 08-868-5050 054-465-1348 | ∩ Southern Gedara on Rechov Ben-Gurion Blvd. | |
Givat Ada | Religious Council Rechov Hadekel 30 | 04-638-8957 04-638-9873 04-628-9217 | ∩ Rechov Hagivah | ||
Givat Brenner | Kvish 40 | 03-9512927 | Menucha M'chubedet, Givat Brenner | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Hadera | Hadera Hevra Kadisha | Simtat Paltrin POB 377 | 04-6324040 | • Avner Ozri 04-620-1169 050-697-7503 | ∩ Old Cemetery (Rechov Ahad Ha'am) ∩ New cemetery (extension of Rechov Ben-Zvi in the direction of Elyachin) |
Haifa | Kurdish Hevra Kadisha | 04-867-2917 04-867-7246 | • Nisan Levi 04-867-7246 050-521-8578 | ∩ Sde Yehoshua adjacent to Kfar Hasidim | |
Haifa | Ashkenazi Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Herzl 63 POB 5555 | 04-868-8000 | ∩ Ancient Cemetery [closed] (Rechov Yafo) ∩ Old Cemetery [closed] (at entrance to Haifa) ∩ New Cemetery (Sde Yehoshua, Section Vav) ∩ Neve David Cemetery (in Sde Yehoshua) |
Haifa | Sefardi Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Ahad Ha'am 14 POB 4840 | 04-862-1578 04-862-1910 | ∩ Hof Hacarmel ∩ Sde Yehoshua |
Haifa | K'lali - North Africa and Sefardi | Rechov Yalag 16 | 04-866-2619 04-862-2126 | ∩ Old Cemetery [closed] (Hof Hacarmel, at entrance to Haifa) ∩ New Cemetery (Sde Yehoshua, Section Vav) ∩ Neve David Cemetery (in Sde Yehoshua, adjacent to the new cemetery) |
Haifa | ∩ Tel Regev | ||||
Haifa | 63 Herzl | 04-8688000 | Amutat Darkei Shalom, Haifa | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Har Hevron | Regional Religious Council of Har Hevron & Otniel DN Har Hevron | 02-996-9143 02-996-9144 02-996-9145 | ∩ Har Hevron regional cemetery (adjacent to Susia) ∩ Otniel Cemetery is in Otniel |
Hazor | P.O. Box 116, Kiryat Malachi | 050-5238022 | Menuchat Eden, Hazor | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Hazor Hagalilit | Religious Council Commercial Center (adjacent to the Old Shekem 23) | 04-693-6485 04-693-0972 | • Daniel Aviskis 04-693-5590 057-779-3568 | ∩ West of the yeshuv Baktzah | |
Herzlia | Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Pinsker POB 107 | 09-954-2246 09-956-5186 | ∩ On Rechov Pinsker | |
Herzlia | 2 HaNadiv | 09-9712660 | Municipality of Herzlia | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Hod Hasharon | Religious Council Rechov Zakif 10 POB 507 | 09-748-1152 09-741-8142 | • Yosef Yadi 052-577-4395 City telephone x108 | ∩ Magdiel [closed] (Rechov Asirei Zion) ∩ Ramat Hashavim [closed] (Ramat Hashavim) ∩ New Cemetery (Neve Hadar neighborhood) |
Jerusalem | Religious Council Rechov Havatzelet 12 POB 13 | 02-621-4849 02-621-4888 | ∩ Givat Shaul | ||
Jerusalem | Kurdish Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Beit Ya'akov 11/A | 02-623-4797 02-625-8469 | ∩ Givat Shaul | |
Jerusalem | North African Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Mesilat Yesharim 1 POB 336 | 02-625-5504 | • Moshe Azulai 050-524-3546 | ∩ Mount of Olives ∩ Har Hamenuchot (Givat Shaul) |
Jerusalem | Sefardi Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Harav Kook 8 POB 10 | 02-622-1073 02-625-4371 | ∩ Mount of Olives ∩ Har Hamenuchot (Givat Shaul) |
Jerusalem | Eitz Hayim Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Bezalel Ashkenazi 18 | 02-537-0733 | • Yehoshua Sharabi Assistant 052-382-8730 052-448-2540 | ∩ Har Hamenuchot (Givat Shaul) |
Jerusalem | Persian Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Nisim Bechar 46 POB 6134 | 02-624-8612 02-624-8322 | • Yitzhak Nechmad In charge of funerals 02-581-1685 050-525-9587 | ∩ Har Hamenuchot (Givat Shaul) |
Jerusalem | Persian Hevra Kadisha | ∩ Mount of Olives | |||
Jerusalem | Yeminite Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Haneviim 65 POB 675 | ∩ Mount of Olives ∩ Har Hamenuchot (Givat Shaul) |
Jerusalem | Jerusalem Hevra Kadisha | POB 41136 | 02-992-1446 02-999-7526 | ∩ Eretz Hahayim | |
Jerusalem | Iraqi Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Shaarey Zedek 1 POB 6177 | 02-625-2842 | ∩ Mount of Olives ∩ Har Hamenuchot (Givat Shaul) |
Jerusalem | Central & General Hevra Kadisha of the Perushim | Rechov Pines 15 | 02-538-4144 | ∩ Original Cemetery (Mount of Olives) ∩ First Old Cemetery (Givat Ram - Sheikh Badr) ∩ Second Old Cemetery (Next to Old Shaarei Zedek Hospital, Rechov Yafo) ∩ New Cemetery, Har Hamenuchot (Givat Shaul) |
Jerusalem | Hasidic Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Hamabit 21 POB 57052 | 02-500-0862 02-538-4589 | ∩ Mount of Olives ∩ Har Hamenuchot (Givat Shaul) |
Jerusalem | Kehillat Yerushalayim | Rechov Elyashar 1 (corner of Jaffa 40) POB 562 | 02-625-2281 02-625-2282 | ∩ Givat Ram - Sheikh Badr [closed] ∩ Sanhedria ∩ Har Hamenuchot (Givat Shaul) |
Jerusalem | Kollel Chibas Yerushalayim (Galicia) | 120 Meah Shearim Street | 02-628-8016 02-628-5575 (Fax) | ∩ Galician Section (Mount of Olives) | |
Kadima | Religious Council Harav Herzog 2, POB 258 | 09-899-0086 | • Eliyahu Yomtovian 09-899-0469 052-292-9737 | ∩ Rechov Mishmar Hayarden, Northeast of the yishuv | |
Karkur | Rechov Hanasi 6 | 04-627-0413 | • Yechiel Tzadok 04-627-0413 | ∩ Opposite of the Moshav Ein-Aron ∩ Cemetery of the Vatikin (original settlers) ∩ Cemetery of Holocaust Martyrs and Yemenite Children |
Katzrin | Religious Council Rechov Hukok 41, POB 4848 | • David Zafrani 04-696-1073 054-742-1401 | ∩ Jewish Cemetery - in the Katzrin Industrial Zone ∩ Non-Jewish Cemetery - In the Katzrin Industrial Zone |
Kfar Haroeh | Kfar Haroeh - Emek Hefer | 04-630-1140 04-630-1330 04-625-1002 | ∩ Adjacent to Moshav Avichayil ∩ Hamisila ∩ Cemetery for those of no religious affiliation, adjacent to Kibbutz Bohan ∩ Kochav Yair ∩ Four regional cemeteries of the Menasha Region ∩ Five cemeteries in the Emek Yizrael Regional Council |
Kfar Hasidim | POB 5202 Zip code 20100 | 04-984-6029 | ∩ Kfar Hasidim, adjacent to the Youth Village in the Wadi | ||
Kfar Saba | Religious Council, Harcarmel 57 | 09-767-2478 | • Rabbi Mordecai Album 052-640-3700 • Administrator of the Military Cemetery Shlomo Tzarfati 050-640-3701 | ∩ Rechov Nordau ∩ Military Cemetery - Rechov Weizmann |
Kfar Saba | Kvish 5504 | 050-3395800 | Menucha Nechona, Kfar Saba | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Kfar Shmaryahu | Rechov Hachoresh 13 POB 9148 | 09-956-2070 | • Moshe Levi 054-688-8144 | ∩ Between the railroad tracks on the way to the airport | |
Kfar Tabor | POB 317 | 04-676-7065 04-676-7384 | • Mordecai Susia 04-676-7353 050-756-1404 | ∩ At continuation of the industrial zone | |
Kfar Yona | Religious Council Rechov Herzl 12 POB 20 | 09-898-5635 09-898-7343 | ∩ Kfar Yona, adjacent to Army Base 21 | ||
Kiryat Arba | Relgious Council, Kiryat Arba POB 18 | 02-996-1083 02-996-3643 | ∩ In the old Hebron cemetery | ||
Kiryat Ata | Ashkenazi Hevra Kadisha | Nordau 2, POB 34 | 04-844-9959 | • Michael Daskal 04-844-6929 • Yisrael Gasheid Director 04-844-0385 | ∩ Old Cemetery - on the Usha Road ∩ New Cemetery - on the Ahihod Road adjacent to Shfaram (Albin Road) |
Kiryat Ata | Sefardi Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Sokolov 17/A | 04-844-2511 | • Rabbi Yehuda Turjiman 04-844-2457 052-261-1236 | ∩ Old Cemetery - on the Usha Road ∩ New Cemetery - on the Ahihod Road adjacent to Shfaram (Albin Road) |
Kiryat Bialik | Rechov Hazit 13; mailing address - Kiryat Bialik City Hall Sderot Yerushalayim 12, POB 110 | • Rabbi Yehuda Shai Tchervinsky 054-249-5081 04-699-6450 • Yitzhak Susia Administrator Tel-Regev 054-249-4030 | ∩ Tzur Shalom (Afek) ∩ Tel-Regev |
Kiryat Ekron | Religious Council Rechov Herzl 44, POB 4 | 08-935-4360 08-941-3786 | • Ya'akov Gahali 08-941-4824 052-289-3051 • Shlomo Merhavi Director 08-941-4743 052-294-6890 • Doron Amar Cemetery 08-941-2552 052-432-2935 | ∩ Rechov Shabazi | |
Kiryat Gat | Religious Council Sderot Lachish 11, POB 46 | 08-681-2028 08-688-1691 08-688-6277 | • Rabbi Yehuda Dahan 052-457-5742 • Michael Lachiani 050-539-2619 08-688-2170 • Dudu Dahan Cemetery Administrator | ∩ In the Industrial Zone adjacent to the Iskor factory |
Kiryat Malachi | Religious Council Rechov Tzahal 1, POB 191 Sha'arei Ha'ir Bldg. | 08-858-1337 08-858-7867 | • Meir Buzaglo 08-858-4240 050-772-3987 | ∩ Next to the Fire Department | |
Kiryat Motzkin | Sderot Moshe Goshen 76, POB 279 | 04-871-0575 04-870-2730 | • Moshe Tambor • Shimon Malul 04-871-7476 057-776-5000 • Yizhak Suisia 04-877-3269 057-776-5002 | ∩ In the Zur Shalom neighborhood [closed] | |
Kiryat Shemona | Religious Council Rechov Hayarden 7, POB 585 | 04-694-0221 04-694-0358 04-690-4359 | • Rabbi Nisim Malka 04-694-0254 052-285-4847 • Yamin Lahiani Cemetery Supervisor 04-695-1664 052-285-4844 | ∩ Old Cemetery - Rechov Mishmar Hagevul ∩ New Cemetery - Sderot Tel Hai |
Kiryat Tivon | Religious Council Ha'alonim 78, POB 1008 | 04-983-2714 04-983-2715 | • Ami Iloz 04-955-8039 054-496-2727 • Menasha Althouz Administrator 04-983-4154 052-245-7226 | ∩ On the Sde Ya'akov Road at the Shomrim intersection | |
Kiryat Tivon | Hamizrah 8, Al-Roi neighborhood | 04-983-4373 | • Avraham Ben-Binyamin 04-983-0726 050-555-4134 | ∩ In the Al-Roi neighborhood | |
Kiryat Tivon | 39 Yigal Alon | 052-3209184 | Menucha Nechona, Kiryat Tivon | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Kiryat Yam | Religious Council Rechov Lehman 15, POB 1189 | 08-877-7153 04-875-3819 04-875-3771 | • Rabbi Yosef Avraki 04-875-6178 050-524-1218 • Yitzhak Susia Administrator 04-877-3269 057-776-5002 • Rahamim Giladi Director 04-877-7153 | ∩ In the Zur Shalom neighborhood [closed] | |
Lod | Religious Council, Rechov Gidon Gartbul 11, POB 468 | 08-922-4769 08-923-5618 08-923-4158 08-921-9502 08-921-9503, ext. 3 | • Daniel Sa'adon 08-924-7804 050-599-1390 • Director - Yehoshua Tangi, 03-619-4670 052-842-1041 | ∩ Old Cemetery - Rechov Shapira ∩ New Cemetery - Rechov Helen Keller |
Ma'alot | Religious Council Rechov Hama'apilim 1, POB 1204 | 04-997-9689 04-997-3689 04-997-2776 | • Meir Biton 04-997-9690 052-324-8827 • Shimon Almkias 04-997-9055 050-540-4275 | ∩ South of Ma'a lot adjacent to Tarshiha | |
Masuot Yitzhak | DN Sde Gat | 08-860-7267 | • Kobi Rosenberg 08-858-4145 050-596-4066 | ∩ Masuot Yitzhak Regional Cemetery | |
Mazkeret Batya | Religious Council Rechov Hatarmag 4, POB 380 | 08-934-9486 | • Rabbi Efraim Zalmanovitz 08-934-9486 050-540-3730 • Responsible for the Cemetery Shlomo Pearlstein 052-226-0464 | ∩ At the southern entrance to the town | |
Menachemya | Religious Council Menachemya, DN Emek Hayarden | 04-670-9755 050-530-5532 | • Mordeca Peretz 04-675-2294 052-480-6995 | ∩ At the entrance to the town on the south side | |
Metar | Religious Council Mamashit, (Miklat Timna), POB 9 | 08-651-7325 08-651-0913 | • Avi Horowitz 052-607-0517 050-633-6372 | ∩ Northeast of the yishuv | |
Metula | Religious Council Rechov Harishonim 25, POB 2 | 04-695-1941 054-498-7939 | • Rabbi Hayim Vardi 04-690-2267 050-753-5282 | ∩ Above the Tanur waterfall at the edge of the Zeitim neighborhood | |
Migdal | Religious Council, Local Council Building, POB 289 | 04-672-1648 | • Yitro Atiya 04-672-1528 050-537-4133 | ∩ Southwest of the Moshava (Gush 80) | |
Migdal Haemek | Religious Council Ramat Yizrael, POB 18 | 04-654-1849 | • Shimon Zaguri 04-654-5303 050-549-4385 | ∩ At entrance to the town on the right side adjacent to the circle | |
Mitzpe Ramon | Religious Council Sderot Ben Gurion, POB 13 | 08-658-8111 | • Rabbi Daniel Barmucha 08-658-8379 057-775-2431 | ∩ Northeast of the yishuv | |
Modi'in | Sderot Hashmonaim 3 | 08-972-6170 08-972-6173 | • Nisim Peretz 08-972-1540 052-444-5079 | ∩ Adjacent to the industrial zone | |
Modi'in | 1 Taltan | 08-9726170 | Municipality of Modi'in | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Neharia | Religious Council Rechov Yeshurun 9, POB 25 | 04-992-2316 04-992-3367, ext. 6 | • Mordecai Vaknin 04-951-0366 04-992-2783 050-551-9469 | ∩ Rechov Balfour, adjacent to the sea coast | |
Nes Tziona | Rechov Weizmann 6, POB 35 | 08-940-3753 | • Moshe Leiman 03-619-6931 050-693-3451 | ∩ Nes Tziona cemetery is in Kfar Aharon | |
Nesher | Religious Council Tzabar 19, POB 176 | 04-821-4624 04-821-5215 04-821-5881 (cemetery) | • Mashiah Amar 04-821-9403 050-768-785 • Shlomo Buzgalo Administrator 04-821-4341 052-365-7605 | ∩ West of the town on the road leading to the University | |
Netanya | Rechov Petach Tikva 12 | 09-833-3419 09-833-3476 | • Rabbi Shlomo Steinglitz Director 03-570-3822 • Yoel Lok Responsible for cemeteries 057-776-9791 | ∩ Netanya Cemetery in Ben Zion neighborhood ∩ Netanya Cemetery in Shikun Vatikim |
Netanya | Neve Shalom | Rechov Hazayit 1 | 09-884-0216 09-884-2614 | • Daniel Angel 09-884-0122 • Avner Mizrahi Treasurer 09-884-0216 052-282-0316 | ∩ In Moshav Avihayil - Yemenite section |
Netivot | Religious Council Rechov Hafetz Hayim 404, POB 7 | 08-993-3555 | • Yitzhak Zohar 08-994-2205 054-753-3318 050-531-7788 • Yitzhak Afinjer Administrator 08-994-1446 054-753-3323 | ∩ In the Baba Sali neighborhood | |
Ofakim | Religious Council Rechov Eli Cohen 9 POB 7 | 08-992-3073 08-992-3736 | • Yosi Ozan 050-520-2795 | ∩ Rechov Hayim Hori | |
Omer | Rechov Ya'ara 1, POB 1 | 08-646-0903 08-646-9311 | • Rabbi Ginzburg 08-646-0903 052-288-0999 • Moshe Dafna Administrator of Cemetery 08-646-9311 050-520-4438 | ∩ At the end of Rechov Hashita | |
Or Akiva | Religious Council Rechov Aseret Harugei Hamalkhut 3 POB 7282 | 04-636-1054 | • Yosef Kodi 054-772-8502 | ∩ Ben Gurion Neighborhood | |
Oranit | Religious Council POB 6979 DN Efraim | 03-936-0432 | |||
Pardes Hannah | 68 HaDekalim | 04-6373471 | Hevrat Kadisha Pardes Hannah | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Pardes Hannah-Karkur | Rechov Derekh Habanim 68 POB 37100 | 04-637-3471 | • Avraham Shahal 04-637-9889 050-554-9973 | ∩ Pardes Hannah - Rechov Derekh Hasadeh ∩ Old Karkur Cemetery - Malben/Kedoshei Hashoah ∩ New Karkur Cemetery - Adjacent to Moshav Ein Iron |
Pardesiya | Religious Council Hanasi 1, POB 202 | 09-894-0878 09-898-9024 | • Ya'akov Miost 09-894-8488 050-550-3718 | ∩ North of the entrance to the Yishuv | |
Petach Tikvah | Rechov Rishonim 6, POB 1032 | 03-931-1328 03-930-2738 | • Tuvia Pomtrantzik 03-931-2671 052-855-4606 • Avraham Goldberg Cemetery Administrator 03-930-2344 052-254-4948 | ∩ Industrial zone of Segula | |
Ra'anana | Rechov Klausner 18 | 09-745-4167 | • Yoel Azrazar 09-748-9053 057-773-7893 | ∩ Old Cemetery - Rechov Klausner ∩ New Cemetery - in Kfar Nahum |
Ramat Hasharon | Religious Council Sokolov 47, POB 31 | 03-540-6004 03-540-6007 03-540-6579 | • Menasha Sachiak 03-549-4840 050-567-2500 • Avraham Gavriel Cemetery Administrator 050-536-2929 | ∩ Old Cemetery - in the center of town on Rechov Netzach ∩ New Cemetery - Ramat Hasharon at the Morasha intersection |
Ramat Yishai | Religious Council Rechov Ma'aleh Shitim, POB 453 | 04-983-6410 | • Shlomo Avner 04-983-6271 052-261-1176 • Ezra Arad Cemetery Administrator 04-654-3180 052-855-3224 | ∩ Between Ramat Yishai and Kfar Yehoshua | |
Ramle | Religious Council Rechov Golomb 25, POB 36 | 08-922-5360 08-922-7751 08-925-3072, ext. 2 | • Morris Dagan 08-922-8758 052-369-6029 • Benni Magira Cemetery Administrator 052-836-2488 | ∩ Old Cemetery - on Sderot Weizmann ∩ New Cemetery - Rechov A.S. Levi at the corner of David Raziel |
Ramot Hashavim | Rechov Achad Ha'am 34 | 09-744-8111 09-742-6255 | • Ben-Zion Wachs | ∩ Old Cemetery - in the center of town on Rechov Netzach ∩ New Cemetery - Ramat Hasharon at the Morasha intersection |
Rechovot | Rechov Harav Meshulam Yosef 4 | 08-945-7206 08-945-0242 08-945-8668 | • Yisachar Harzi 050-5534737 • Emanuel Meshulam 050-553-4738 | ∩ Rechovot Shearaiim, in the Marmorek neighborhood adjacent to Kevutzat Schiller | |
Rechovot | Rechov Menucha v'Nachala 4, entry through Rechov Binyamin 28 | 08-945-4633 08-945-1041 057-706-999 | • Rabbi Nahum Gortler • Rabbi Barukh Polak Director 08-945-8065 057-770-1440 | ∩ Three cemeteries next to each other on Rechov Gorodosky | |
Rechovot | Rechov Hirshonson 6 | 08-945-6677 052-726-793 | • Reuven Sharabi 08-456-298 | ∩ Rechov Marmorek, In the Marmorek neighborhood adjacent to Kevutzat Schiller | |
Rishon Lezion | Rechov Halutzei Yesod Hama'ala 8 Corner of Levontin, POB 3059 | 03-966-5522 03-964-8195 | • Shalom Fleishman Chairman • Yisrael Horowitz Director 057-318-0988 057-318-0983 | ∩ Old Cemetery - Rechov Kanfei Nesharim opposite Ganei Esther ∩ New Cemetery - in the Gordon neighborhood, Rechov Rabbi Akiva |
Rosh Ha'ayin | Religious Council Rechov Ha'atzmaut 10, POB 7 | 03-938-9689 03-901-4069 03-938-0156 | • Yishayahu Ashuel 03-938-0379 050-527-1428 • Ezra Ratzon Cemetery Administrator 03-938-7128 051-666-382 • Avihai Harbi 052-842-1348 | ||
Rosh Pina | Religious Council Rechov Gai-Oni 223, POB 7 | 04-693-6277 04-693-0582 | • Gavriel Ben-Shimol 04-693-8203 057-723-5848 | ∩ Ma'aleh Rosh Pina adjacent to the wadi | |
Saviyon | Rechov Hashikma 8 | 03-635-4354 03-737-0900 | • Sigal Halevi Romamia Rabbi David Broderman Director 03-534-8977 050-536-4775 | ∩ Rechov Hehadash | |
Sderot | Religious Council Sderot Hahistadrut, POB 107 | 08-689-7034 08-689-7666 08-689-9331 | • Yitzhak Yifrah 08-689-1334 050-554-0402 • Shimon Avitan Cemetery Administrator 050-557-1411 | ∩ Behind Schunat Hanevi'im next to the emergency site | |
Shavei Zion | POB 25 | 04-982-0251 | • Hillel Ben-Meir • David Tamim 04-982-0179 054-562-1411 | ∩ On the sea coast | |
Shlomi | Religious Council Rechov Jabotinsky 1, POB 100 | 04-987-5247 04-980-8365 | • Moshe Magira 04-980-8713 052-366-5675 • Avraham Atias Cemetery Administrator 04-980-8495 052-366-5670 | ∩ At entrance to Shlomi | |
Tel Aviv -Yafo | Gimilat Hesed Shel Emet | Rechov Mohilver 33, Tel Aviv | 03-795-3600 03-510-3768 - Fax | • Jacob Steinberg, Chairman • Rabbi Avraham Manlah, Director 03-795-3609 • Rabbi Ya'akov Rozha Rabbi of the Hevra Kadisha 054-772-3812 • Simcha Rand, Associate Director | ∩ Yarkon Cemetery Rabbi Yisrael Rost, Administrator ∩ Trumpledor Cemetery 052-673-0000 057-770-7710 ∩ Southern Cemetery - Holon/Bat-Yam [closed] 03-795-3640 ∩ Ancient Cemetery - Yafo ∩ Nahalat Yitzhak Cemetery ∩ Kiryat Shaul Cemetery |
Tiberias | Religious Council Rechov Hagalil POB 73 | 04-672-0933 | • Yechiel Veg 04-672-0921 052-241-7090 | ∩ Old Cemetery (Achva neighborhood) ∩ New Cemetery (on the Poriyah Road after Moshav Hasora'im) |
Tiberias | 35 HaGalil | 04-6739504 | Religious Council, Tiberias | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Tirat Hacarmel | Religious Council Amidar 19 POB 120 | 04-857-0242 04-857-0243 | ∩ On Rechov Eshkol | ||
Tzfat | Religious Council Rechov Hapalmach 78, POB 1189 | 04-697-2429 04-697-1633 04-697-2438 | • Shlomo Hadad 04-697-0711 052-370-5012 • Rahamim Cohen Hevra Kadisha Administrator 04-692-1802 052-374-2114 | ∩ South of the city, from the hospital in the direction of Kiryat Meor Hayim on the industrial zone road | |
Upper Nazereth | Rechov Gilboa 16 (Rivka ben Gal) City Hall | 04-647-8823 (direct) 04-647-8888(information) 04-655-5605 (cemetery) | • David Lankri 052-285-5124 | ∩ Old Cemetery - G' Industrial Zone Road ∩ New Cemetery - G' Industrial Zone Road |
Yad Hana | Emek Hefer | 04-6301140 | Religious Council, Emek Hefer | Non orthodox cemetery | |
Yavne | Religious Council Rechov Halilach 6 POB 52 | 08-943-7151 08-943-7171 08-743-1287 08-942-1281 | ∩ Old Cemetery (opposite Moshav Ben Zakkai, next to the Tzofia Home) ∩ New Cemetery (adjacent to Moshav Ben Zakkai) |
Yavniel | Religious Council POB 159 | 04-670-8599 | ∩ In the Bayit Vagan neighborhood ∩ In the Amidar neighborhood |
Yavniel | |||||
Yehud | Religious Council Rechov Tzvi Yishai 13 POB 32 | 03-536-0870 03-536-4314 03-536-6443 | ∩ On Rechov Ha'atzmaut on the main road | ||
Yerucham | Religious Council POB 43 | 08-658-0281 08-658-0038 | ∩ Next to the Cultural Center [closed] | ||
Yesod Hamaleh | Religious Council Regional Council Bldg. DN Galil Elyon | 04-693-7506 04-693-7511 | • David Tal 04-693-6117 050-553-0852 | ∩ On the road at the entrance to the settlement | |
Yokneam | Religious Council Druker Center POB 49 | 04-989-3616 | • Ya'akov Shitrit 04-989-1136 050-549-7280 | ∩ Next to the Kochav Mall | |
Zichron Ya'akov | Hevra Kadisha | Rechov Ham'yasdim 1 POB 263 | 04-639-6448 | • Haviv Maman 04-639-9947 050-535-8629 |
Much gratitude to Shalom Bronstein for translating this list from Hebrew to English.
Some notes on how to use this list:
1) Burial Societies generally were set up by specific communities, many of which were immigrant groups who buried the members of their original community from elsewhere who moved to Israel. Figuring out which society potentially was responsible for burying your relative will save you a lot of time doing research. For example, some societies only buried Ashkenazi Jews, while others only buried Sephardi Jews. Some societies were specific to a particular town or region, and many were country-specific.
2) Most societies are not very high-tech, and will actually be looking up your requests in paper books. Keep that in mind when speaking to the people who are helping you.
3) Many times when calling societies in this list, the person answering the phone will not speak English or anything other than Hebrew. It is highly recommended you have someone who speaks Hebrew make the call for you if you do not speak Hebrew.
4) You should try to collect as much information about the person you are calling about before you call. Sometimes the hevra kadisha (burial society) will want the name of the father of the deceased, as that will help them confirm they have the correct grave.
5) Where is says DN and a name in the address field, DN stands for Doar Na, which is a mobile post office. In remote areas they use mobile post offices and if you’re sending mail, that’s where it goes.
6) Keep in mind this is a list of burial societies, not a list of cemeteries. There are cemeteries that exist in Israel that are not on this list.
7) It is certainly possible that information in this list is out of date, or otherwise has mistakes. If you find a mistake, or know of other burial societies that are not on this list, please contact us.
8) Lastly, it is important to keep in mind that the great majority of these burial societies are active organizations that deal primarily with burying the dead. They usually will help you track down the information you need, but their primary goal is to help families bury their deceased family members, and if they don’t have time to help you right away, they may have other things they need to do first. Always be respectful of the people you are speaking with, and recognize that looking up gravestone information is not their primary purpose.