IGRA continues to improve the AID (All Israel Databases). The databases that are included in the AID collection come from over 30 Archives. Some archives have graciously allowed us to share the images associated with the databases while others have not given us permission to do so. It is now easier to identify which databases have images available and which do not. We have added an “image indicator” to the result of those records with an image available.
The first line does not have an image available. The second line does.
If you missed the announcement – there have been recent additions to the AID collection:
1928 Tel Aviv Census, Nordea neighborhood
Palestine Marriage/Divorce Certificates – updated with additional certificates
1944 Voter List for Knesset Israel
1944 Immigrants via North Africa
1945 Rehovot Local Election Voter List
1945 Immigrants – updated
1945 First Children’s Convoy to Palestine from Paris
December 1949, “Operation On Eagles Wings” – updated
1963 Telephone Directory, Tel Aviv, Letters N, O, R and first half of S
Please check out these new additions and look for the “image indicator”.