Ottoman Administration ( -1917) – Examples only, not a full listing
- Births
- Register of British Subjects 1863-1913 This database is based on a ledger found in the Israel State Archives. The ledger is organized according the the first letter of the surname and states the first year the person registered with the consulate. Some times there are remarks about the person being registered with different spellings of his name.
- Register of Births, British Consulate Jaffa until 1914 This database is a list of 34 births registered at the British Consulate in Jaffa between 1900 through 1914. The database contains the date of birth of the child, the name of the child, the names of both of the parents and the date of registration. This document was found at the National Archives (UK).
- Register of Baptism at Christ Church, Jerusalem
Among the names in this ledger of the Christ Church can be found the names of Jews who converted to Christianity.
- Burials
- Safed Burials 1433-2000 from the new & part of the old cemetery
- Safed Old Cemetery – A PARTIAL list of 5,141 burials in the ancient (on the slope of the hill) cemetery. Based on incomplete lists by Rami Yizrael and R. Auman.
- Safed New Cemetery – A list of 3,497 burials in the new (bottom of the hill) cemetery through 2006. Based on the Hevra Kadisha List
- Register of Burials at Christ Church, Jerusalem
In the 1860’s there was a Cholera epidemic in Jerusalem. Various members of the Jewish community were treated at the medical facilities of the Christ Church. Among the names in this ledger of the Christ Church can be found the names of Jews who were buried in the graveyard of the church.
- Safed Burials 1433-2000 from the new & part of the old cemetery
- Founders, Settlers & Residents
- Liste des proteges allemands dans l’Empire Ottoman A list of 464 residents in the Ottoman Empire who are registered as proteges of Germany. The document is found in the Israel State Archives.
- Members of the Zikhron Ya’akov Hospitality Society 1898 This ledger of the founders and members of the Members of the Zikhron Ya’akov Hospitality Society 1898 was found in the Historical Archive of the Zikhron Ya’akov Local Council. It contains the names of 150 men and women. The names are according to the Yiddish spelling.
- Deserted Women in Eretz Israel – Circa 1900-1917 This database was donated by Prof. Gur Alroey of Haifa University. The database contains the names of 196 women in Eretz Israel, who turned to the JOINT after World War One to find their husbands. The database includes the name of the husband, the country where he was residing, and the number of children in the family, when it was given. The document is found in the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem.. The article Prof. Alroey wrote on this subject is נשים עזובות בשלהי התקופה העות’מאנית וראשית המנדא
- First Settlers of Petah Tikva Colony, 1878-1900 This database is a collection of names from various documents and sources in the Oded Yarkoni Archives of the History of Petah Tikva. It includes 772 names from the following sources: List of residents of Petah Tikva, 1892; Jewish residents of the company for Petah Tikva 1885; Residents of Yehudiah according to the map of Yehudiah drawn in 1884 presumably; Petah Tikva, and Yehud, according to the count of 1886, 57 families, 319 people; Fathers/Founders – Biographies; HaYarkonim – Biographies; The Bialystok Group – Biographies; First Builders – Biographies; Those that continued – Biographies; and The Heroes of the 1920 Battle.
- Founders of Zikhron Ya’akov & Shefaya 1882-1912 This database is based upon painted cards prepared for exhibition in Zikhron Ya’akov. It includes families, the boys studying at the agricultural school in 1885 and the immigrants from Yemen in 1912. So people are listed more than once, because they appear on more than one card. The list includes 1,296 names and was found in the Historical Archive of the Zikhron Ya’akov Local Council.
- First Settlers Petah Tikva 1900-1904 This list of 1,432 people is based upon the albums of first settlers and residents of Petah Tikva in the reading room of the Oded Yarkoni Archives of the History of Petah Tikva. The list includes residents of Petah Tikva, En Ganim and Mahane Yehuda. Some of those in the list came to Eretz Israel as part of the second aliyah.
- British Subjects Registered at the Consulate (Jerusalem) 1909-1914 This database is based on a ledger found in the Israel State Archives. Each year is a separate list and therefore many people appear a number of times, each time in a different year. The same person’s name may be spelled in a number of different ways.
- Yemenites in Rehovot 1914 This list of 278 Yemenites was taken from a handwritten document in the Archive of the History of Rehovot.
- Explusion from Tel Aviv on 17th December 1914
Among the collection of the Central Zionist Archives, a ledger was found, listing the people expelled from Tel Aviv by the Turks on the 17th of December 1914. The list includes 522 people. - List of Residents in Tel Aviv 1915
A list of 714 persons living in the relatively new town of Tel Aviv. The document is from the Municipal Historical Archives Of Tel-Aviv – Yaffo
- Immigrants
- Jewish Pilgrims to Palestine from Mogilev Guberniya 1826-1832
The Jewish Heritage Group in Belarus found a file with copies of identification documents of 30 people from Mogilev guberniya traveling to Palestine as pilgrims from the towns and shtetls: Mogilev, Rogachev, Shklov, Chausy, Bykhov and Surazh . They have graciously agreed to share this file with us. - List of Immigrants from January 17, 1882 to August 15, 1882 The original document is in French and was found in the Historical Archive of the Zikhron Ya’akov Local Council. This was the language that the clerks kept the records in at the beginning of the settlement of Zikhron Ya’akov. The list includes 328 immigrants, most of them coming as families.
- Immigrants After World War I
A small collection of documents from the archives of the Central Zionist Archives. It is for the period on 1918-1919 and includes Jews entering through Egypt. The database includes 507 persons.
- Jewish Pilgrims to Palestine from Mogilev Guberniya 1826-1832
- Kolel
- Kolels in Eretz Israel
A combined list of three lists found in the collection of the National Library of Israel. A list from 1889-1890 from the Austrian-Hungarian Kolel, a list of Hasidim that can vote for the Va’ad Hair (City Council) 1909-10, and a list of members of the Ashkenazi community that can vote for Va’ad Hair 1917-18. All together there are 1,4260 men listed. - Request Sent to Vienna by Members of Kolel Austria Galicia 1902
A list of 113 heads of families who are listed on the document. This document is part of the collection of the National Library of Israel. - Voters’ List from Kolel Vilna for the Jerusalem City Council 1910
A list of 396 heads of families who had the right to vote. This document is part of the collection of the National Library of Israel - Voters’ List from Kolel Grodno for the Jerusalem City Council 1910
A list of 301 heads of families who had the right to vote. This document is part of the collection of the National Library of Israel. - Kolel List 1912 A list of families who received assistance “haluka” and which kolel they belonged to in 1912. The list includes names and ages of spouses and children all totaling 867. Document from the Barshad collection at the Pedagogic Center of Safed.
- Kolels in Eretz Israel
- Marriages
- Marriage Registrations in Jerusalem 1893 – 1905 This a partial list from the ledger found in the Archive of the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities, Jerusalem found in the Jerusalem Municipal Archives. It contains 3,474 brides and grooms (1,737 couples) with names of their fathers and the date of their marriage. The ledger belongs to the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities, Jerusalem, who have given permission to publish this database
- Marriage Registrations in Jerusalem 1905 – 1913 This a partial list from the ledger found in the Archive of the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities, Jerusalem found in the Jerusalem Municipal Archives. It contains 2,238 brides and grooms (1,119 couples) with names of their fathers and the date of their marriage. The ledger belongs to the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities, Jerusalem, who have given permission to publish this database.
- Newspaper Lists
- Habazeleth – various lists extracted from the newspaper Habazeleth was a periodical published in 1863 and between 1870 and 1911 published in Jerusalem (Ottoman Palestine). The collection may be found on the Historical Jewish Press website. For most of the years of its existence, Israel Dov Frumkin (1850-1914) was Habazeleth’s editor and owner.
- Flour for Pesach – Yaffo 1894 קמחא דפסחא A list of 81 members of the community who either received Kimcha Depasha or contributed to the fund.
- List of Donations published in February 1907 Hashkafa – various lists extracted from the newspaper Hashkafa was a periodical published by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda between 1896 and 1908 (with an intermission in 1901) in Jerusalem (Ottoman Palestine). The collection may be found on the Historical Jewish Press website.
- Official announcement about the election of the Sephardic committee 1897
- Purim Contributions to the School for the Blind in Jerusalem 1902 & 1904
- List of Donations published in June 1903
- List of Donations published in July 1903
- Patients at Misgav Ladach Hospital 1903 & September 1903
- Habazeleth – various lists extracted from the newspaper Habazeleth was a periodical published in 1863 and between 1870 and 1911 published in Jerusalem (Ottoman Palestine). The collection may be found on the Historical Jewish Press website. For most of the years of its existence, Israel Dov Frumkin (1850-1914) was Habazeleth’s editor and owner.
- Nufus (Population Register)
- Nufus Jerusalem 1890
This census contains only males and was probably prepared for use of the military in the Ottoman Empire. It contains males of all the various Jewish ethnic communities in Jerusalem. Sometimes it was hard to differentiate between the given name and the surname. This ledger from the Archive of the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities, Jerusalem found in the Jerusalem Municipal Archives. It belongs to the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities, Jerusalem, who have given permission to publish this database. Our thanks to Mr. Ephraim Levy who transcribed it to modern Hebrew script. - 1910 Nufus of the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communites of Jerusalem This a list from the ledger found in the Archive of the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities, Jerusalem found in the Jerusalem Municipal Archives. The nufus was the census conducted for the Turkish government. The list contains 2,204 names of those living in the Old City of Jerusalem and in some of the neighborhoods outside of the walls of the Old City. The nufus includes year of birth and occupation. The ledger belongs to the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities, Jerusalem, who have given permission to publish this database. Our thanks to Mr. Ephraim Levy who transcribed it to modern Hebrew script.
- Nufus Jerusalem 1890
- Old Age
- United Home for the Aged, Jerusalem 1823-1903 The database is based upon a microfilm found in the Family History Library of a ledger microfilmed in the Jerusalem Municipal Archives in 1982. Though the catalog of FHL states the years 1865-1903, there are some dates from before 1865. The database is 1,276 persons and include the date of death and sometimes the father’s or mother’s name.
- Schools
- List of Students & Staff of Gymnasia Haivrit, Yaffo 1908-9
A list of students and staff as it appeared in the report that was published the following year. - Festschrift of the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem 1909-1962
In 1962 the Gymnasia HaIvrit in Jerusalem published a book in honour of its jubilee. The book includes a partial list of the graduates from 1909-1916, graduates from 1921-1962, the students studying at the gymnasia during 1962, and the staff members during all those years. The list includes the names of 4092 students and staff. - Lamel School 1912-1913
This database is the register of students in the various classes for this year. The school was originally funded by Elise von Herz-Lamel. At first the subjects taught were only traditional, but at a certain stage it changed to a more modern curriculum. The database is based upon a microfilm found in the Family History Library of a ledger microfilmed in the Jerusalem Municipal Archives in 1982. - Graduating Classes of Gymnasia Herzlia 1913-1917 There were 222 students who finished in the five graduating classes of Gymnasia Herzlia between 1913-1917. The gymnasia started in 1905 in Yafo. In December 1910 on the eve of Hanukah the Gymnasia moved to its new building in Tel-Aviv. The database is built from the list of graduates that appears in the book: Gymnasia Herzlia: A Hundred Years published in 2004.
- List of Students & Staff of Gymnasia Haivrit, Yaffo 1908-9