Israeli Population Registry Name Data
This page contains links to given name data from the Israeli population registry. Pages are broken down by religion and gender. Religions include Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze, as well as Other. While Other contains all groups not included in the above, looking at the list you can see that many of the most popular names are Russian.
All names are in Hebrew only. Tables include each name, including the number of people with that name as a first name and as a middle name. It’s important to point out that this data is based on the registry as a whole, so no current trends can be determined from these lists – the names include those born last year and those born 100 years ago. One thing that does stand out is that the use of a middle name is much more common among the Jewish population in Israel than any other group.
The numbers next to the links below represent the number of names in the table. The data in these tables was extracted on November 17, 2021, so it represents a snapshot of the data on that day. These lists contain all the names, with the exception of Jewish Female names, which had so many names that it wasn’t searchable using the site’s software. To make it searchable, the number was reduced to 8,274, which includes all names that show up at least 3 times as a first name.
The data was collected and the tables were created by Philip Trauring, past-President of IGRA.
Christian Female Names (1575)
Christian Male Names (1442)
Druze Female Names (115)
Druze Male Names (206)
Jewish Female Names (11605/8274)
Jewish Male Names (8847)
Muslim Female Names (1412)
Muslim Male Names (1667)
Other Female Names (2692)
Other Male Names (2463)