As in past years, IGRA has scheduled a release of new databases to coincide with the Chanukah holiday. The preview of those being released now can be found here. This release adds over 27,000 records to our collection.

Thessaloniki Marriages, 1900-1918 – The marriage register from Saloniki (no images) Information includes: marriage date, year, amount, bride/groom, comments. The original list can be found at Yad Ben-Zvi.

Rehovot, 1918 – List of Winegrowers, Citrus Growers and Planters (images available) This is a handwritten chart in Hebrew listing people who worked in these fields, how many of each they were involved with and the family members assisting. This list comes from the Rehovot Municipal Archives.

Jerusalem Marriages, 1913-31 – The marriage register of the Sephardic Community in Jerusalem This partial list comes from the Archive of the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities and resides at the Jerusalem Municipal Archives. The information includes: date of record, bride/groom, currency, name of father and comments. (no images)

The Scroll of the Slaughter, 1918-1920 – gathered from close to 400 locations where Ukrainian and Polish Jews were murdered. (no images) The information includes: Name, Province, Locality, Occupation, Relationship, language of record. This commemoration of the thousands of massacred Jews is based on Megilat haTevah by Eliezer David Rosenthal and compiled by Professor Gur Alroey of Haifa University.

Members of the Work Battalion (G’dud Ha’avoda) – (images available) – This list was compiled after the fact. It lists first and last names and in some cases a previous last name or maiden name. There are some family names missing. This list comes from Yad Tabenkin who received it from Tel Yosef.

Pardes Hana births 1935-46 – (images available) – In this list you can find the year of birth, family name, given name, father’s name and address. This list comes from the Pardes Hana-Karkur Archive.

Operation On Eagles’ Wings (Magic Carpet) – (first installment) 1948-9. This Operation was organized and financed by the JDC and brought Yemenite Jews to Israel. This first phase (12/48-3/49) airlifted orphans and then unaccompanied women and children – also elderly men. The information included has names, sex, birth year, weight and family status. (no images) IGRA is proud to partner with the JDC in making these records available.

Habima Theater Actors and Creators, 1918-2015 (no images) lists name and occupation. The information comes from the Habima website.

National List of Mohalim, 2016 – (images available) – name, address, contact info and license expiration date. This is included in a larger category of Religious Service.

The images, when available, can only be accessed by paid IGRA members. Remember to renew your membership or join IGRA in order to see these images and enjoy our additional member benefits!!

                                                                  Chag Urim Sameach!!!