Following the summer lull in lectures and activities in Israel (but a very full week at the 39th IAJGS Conference in Cleveland, OH) IGRA begins our Fall program this week and will have lectures during September in Givatayim (in Hebrew), in Ra’anana (in English) and a lecture in Rehovot (in Hebrew).

At the IAJGS Conference there were many sessions regarding research in Israel with strong attendance. IGRA members lead these sessions. During the banquet Karen Franklin received the IAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award.

IGRA President, Philip Trauring, received the IAJGS Outstanding Project Award for his B&F: Jewish Genealogy and More web site.

Rosemary Eshel received an “IAJGS Salute!”, and IGRA received the Stern Grant to help develop our new Mediterranean Basin Project. Congratulations to all.

The lectures in September are as follows –

September 4: Givatayim, Garri Regev will talk about “How to Make the Most of the JewishGen Resources” – in Hebrew.

September 10: Ra’anana, Daniel Horowitz will speak in English on “How I Met My Singers, A Success Story of Genealogy”. Please note that the Ra’anana lectures this year are at a new location.

September 22: Rehovot, meeting at the Weizmann Institute, will hear from Daniel Wagner in Hebrew. Additional information will be available shortly.

Individual notices have been sent regarding each of these lectures; our calendar and newsletters have specifics. We will make every effort to record these lectures and make them available at a later date on the IGRA website.

Each year (as part of International Jewish Genealogy Month) IGRA has its Heshvan Event with lectures and recognition of our volunteers. This year it will be held at the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem (see attached program) on Wednesday, November 6. Registration is required and places are limited. A light lunch is included in the price of the event. The program will be in Hebrew, but there will be English descriptions on the presentations. The final session will have two lectures, and you will be able to choose between Hebrew or English.  As we get closer to the event information will be sent to those registered regarding transportation to the Central Zionist Archives.

Heshvan Event 2019 Program

Also, available here are instructions for the payment process. Heshvan Event payment 2019

PLEASE NOTE: Only those who pay registration in advance are guaranteed a place. If you choose to pay at the door you may not be able to attend the event due to lack of space.

We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our events!