IGRA has two new opportunities for you to engage and be connected to the genealogy community. After Pesach we will be hosting a series of webinars with lecturers from around the world. Each will require separate registration. The list of webinars will be available shortly and we hope that you will join us for these unique lectures. We hope, at a later date, to be able to make these recorded lectures available on the IGRA website.
More immediately we are beginning a “Show & Tell with IGRA” ZOOM series this Monday, March 30 and Wednesday, April 1. These sessions will happen weekly (but not on a holiday). Monday evenings at 9 pm Israel time (2 pm EDT, 11 am PDT) the sessions will be in English. The same topic will be in Hebrew on Wednesday evenings 21:00 Israel time.
“Show & Tell with IGRA” will be open to those who connect to ZOOM with our meeting code. Look for the code on the IGRA Facebook page, the JewishGen Discussion Group, our special mailing and this website. We will do our best to record these sessions and make them available on our website.
“Show & Tell with IGRA” will demonstrate each session a different topic. Some will be connected specifically to IGRA while others will demonstrate how to use other websites or applications – hands on topics you can immediately make use of on your own. Each session will run for 30 minutes with time following for you to ask questions via the Chat option.
The first “Show & Tell” will emphasize IGRA’s many resources. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday or Wednesday evening!
If you have suggestions of topics for us to include in future sessions please send them to [email protected]