IGRA has added five new databases and updated three others. The preview will give you a good idea about our latest additions.

1914-1915 USS Tennessee, Palestine to Alexandria – (images available) This database documents the 1,858 people who were transferred from Palestine to Alexandria on the USS Tennessee. The information available may have, in addition to the name, the nationality, town of origin, date of sailing. If a family was on the ship only the name of the head of the family appears, but you should see the number of family members on board. The database is in English.

1923-1939 Petah Tikva Death Registry – (images available) The ledger is written by hand in Hebrew. In addition to the name you should find the age, sex and date of death.

1936 Voter list Knesset Israel, Tel Aviv (aleph-daled) – (images available) This list of over 15,500 names includes the father’s name, age, sex, address and the community they associated with. In Hebrew.

1921-1948 Marriage & Divorce Certificates issued during the Mandate Period – (images available)  This release adds another 860 to this specific collection. In Hebrew.

1947 Bat Yam Local Council Election – (images available)  A list of those eligible to vote in the local election. There are names and in some cases ages. In Hebrew.

October 1949, “Operation on Eagles Wings” – (no images) We bring an additional 3,505 records of individuals who came to Israel from Yemen in 1949.

Members of “Hamekasher”, Jerusalem area Bus Service – (images available) This partially handwritten Hebrew list gives the birth year for each member as well as the year they joined the cooperative and their address.

1963 Telephone Directory (K-L) – (images available) This phone book is in English. The additional information may include the phone number, address, community, neighborhood.

The IGRA databases are now searchable to all registrants. The search results page is also available to all registrants. Additional details regarding most databases are only available to paid IGRA members. Certain exceptions exist due to requests of the specific archives.

Thank you to all our volunteers who had a part in making these databases available.

Can you help us prepare additional databases? Write to us at [email protected]