As we move from the Day of Remembrance for our fallen to Independence Day IGRA joins in celebrating Israel’s 66th birthday – and has released eight additional databases!

Ruslan Passenger List – 19 Dec 1919

The Ruslan is considered by some as the first ship to bring immigrants to Eretz Israel after World War One, and the beginning of the Third Aliyah, but it is one of many ships that brought immigrants in 1919.  This list of the heads of the families also contains the number of members of the family that were on the ship. There were approximately 670 passengers on board. Not all of the passengers are listed as immigrants in the file found in the Israel State Archives. Some of the passengers said they were returning to Eretz Israel. This document is from the Central Zionist Archives.

Exiled to Palestine: The Emigration of Zionist Convicts from the Soviet Union, 1924-1934

This database was donated by Prof. Boris Morozov and Prof. Ziva Galili. The database was built while compiling the data for their book Exiled to Palestine: The Emigration of Zionist Convicts from the Soviet Union, 1924-1934. It contains 1759 names of people of the many thousands of active Zionists in the Soviet Union who were allowed to emigrate during the period of the Fourth Aliyah to Eretz Israel. This database is built from the compilation of many sources and therefore the information available varies from person to person. For many of the people listed in the database there is information about the date of their arrest, their sentencing and their immigration. The original file was prepared in software no longer available. There was some loss when it was transposed to Excel and some of the longer sentences were lost.

Staff List of the Government of Palestine 1935

This document was found in the Israel State Archives. It contains the names of 789 people who served in the Palestine Mandate government at that time, including information on their appointment, rank, date of appointment to the present rank and where they were stationed.

Jerusalem Pinkas Bogrim (Adult Lists = Voters List) for Knesset Israel 1942 – 41,399 adults including four adults that lived at the Dead Sea and the adults at Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, from the Central Zionist Archives.

Yagur Pinkas Bogrim (Adult Lists = Voters List) for Knesset Israel 1942 – 746 adults are listed. The document is from the Central Zionist Archives.

Who’s Who in Palestine 1944

The database is composed of two lists prepared by the British Mandate government and marked SECRET and closed until 1996! The documents included the names of 153 Jewish politicians and personalities and 69 Arab politicians and personalities. Inside the booklets there are summaries on each person.

Voters List for local Election Herzliya 1945

This database has 1,925 voters for the election of the Local Council in Herzliya. The list was found in the Israel State Archives.

The Signatories of the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel – the 38 people who signed the Declaration of the State of Israel.

Yom Ha’Atzmaut Sameach!