Join us for the next meeting of the Israel Genealogy Research Association (IGRA) on Tuesday, June 28th in Ra’anana at Beit Fisher. The doors open at 19:00 to mingle and ask questions; the meeting begins at 19:30.
Avrohom Krauss will be speaking on “Landsmanshaftn Records – a Resource for Genealogy Research”. Landsmanshaftn (hometown societies) or immigrant social organizations existed from the late nineteenth century to mid-twentieth century and were located in places where Jews settled, such as the US, UK, South Africa, Australia, South Africa and Israel. The organizations were formed by ex-residents of the same locality, such as towns in Poland, Russia, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Lithuania and Ukraine.
These organizations generated important, often underutilized records. This session will explore landsmanshaftn records and demonstrate how a genealogist can put them to good use. Even if your relative did not belong to a landsmanshaftn group or did not live in a place that had such as group, research may turn up previously unknown relatives from the same town.
Avrohom Krauss, educator/rabbi/cantor, is a genealogist who specializes in uniquely Jewish resources. His articles on landsmanshaft records, Jewish social services, immigration research
and date discrepancies have been published in “Avotaynu”. Krauss has given presentations at IGRA in Jerusalem and at IAJGS conferences in Los Angeles, Paris, Boston, Salt Lake City and Jerusalem. He is
scheduled to speak at this year’s conference in Seattle.
Location: Bet Fisher, 5 Klausner Street, Ra’anana
Doors open at 19:00. Meeting begins at 19:30.
Cost: IGRA members – Free Admission; Non-members-NIS 20