This month our lecture in Jerusalem will be: “Exploring Landsmanshaftn Records:  A Link between the Old and New Worlds”.  Our lecturer is Rabbi Avrohom Krauss, a veteran Jewish Educator and genealogist who has had experience in the past as an instructor for JewishGen’s Online Education Course.  He has focused on East-European Ashkenazim and has tapped some lesser known but potentially rich historical and genealogical related resources found at YIVO, AJHS and Yad VaShem.  Avrohom has publicized his findings in a three part series on Landsmanshaftn Research” (Avotaynu XXVII,1).  He has also addressed date discrepancies working with the luach and multiple calendars in Avotaynu (XXVI,2) and at IAJGS conferences in Los Angeles (2010) and Paris (2012).  Born in the United States, Avrohom resides with his family in Telz-Stone.

The lecture will be in English.
AACI offices are across from Kanyon Hadar in Talpiot – 37 Pierre Koenig/2 Poalei Tzedek on the 4th floor.
As is our custom – we will have IGRA representatives at AACI at 18:30 on Wednesday, April 24 to try and assist with research questions.  The lecture will begin at 19:00.  Entrance is free to paid IGRA members, 20 NIS for guests and 15 NIS for members of AACI.  (We will accept membership payments before the meeting.)