Many thanks are due to our dedicated volunteers who helped prepare the following databases. Please check out the slide presentation with a preview of what you can anticipate to find (in both English & Hebrew).
Aleppo Britot – Rabbi Dayan 1868-1945: (7,555) (no images) IGRA thanks Sarina Roffe for sharing this special database with us. Books were kept in Aleppo with information regarding the Brit Mila for the male infants in the years listed above. These records were kept by the Mohel – and during this period there were several. Additional information regarding this database can be found through this link on the SephardicGen website. The Hebrew date and general date are given. The database is in Hebrew.
Jewish Students in Palestine, 1916: (73) (no images) This file was found at the Central Zionist Archives. Those mentioned were Jewish Students being followed by the Turks. There are some comments in addition to the name of the student.
Americans in Palestine, 1929: (125) (images available) We thank Rabbi Gary Gans for sharing this file with us and allowing us to prepare the database and make it available to you. The information could be a letter or a list with possibly names of additional family members, an address and locality.
Voters for Municipal Council Petah Tikva, 1939: (6,952) (images available) This list is typed, in Hebrew and was located in the Israel State Archives. The information you can see, in most cases, is the name, age, street and if they have the qualifications to be elected as a member of the Council. This includes both males and females. You may find more than one family member at the address..
Operation “On Eagles Wings” – October, 1949: (4,983) (no images) We are adding close to 5,000 names to our collection of those who came to Israel from Yemen in 1949 in Operation “On Eagles Wings”. This project is done in conjunction with the JDC and each record has a link which will take you to the record on the JDC website.
1963 Telephone Directory Tel Aviv area – Letters I-J: (1287) (images available) Phone books can provide some interesting information about our families. In this phone book (in English) you may find an occupation in addition to the street address, phone number and locality. For our members looking at the page from the phone book, you might also be able to connect with additional family members.
Some reminders – when there are images connected with our databases, these images are only visible to paid members of IGRA. Our membership year is from January 1 to December 31 each year. If you have not yet renewed, following a short grace period, access will be denied to those images and additional member benefits. Those joining IGRA during December will enjoy membership through the end of 2018.
It is only possible to continue to bring additional databases with the help of volunteers. Many projects can be worked on one page at a time (about 40 lines). There are other ways you may be able to help as well. Please write to us at: [email protected] to let us know you are ready to join in this incredible effort.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Festival of Lights and hope that you will find new information regarding your family.