The next IGRA meeting will be on Wednesday, January 30th, 2013 in the AACI Glassman Family Center 37 Pierre Koenig St. 4th floor, Jerusalem. We welcome you to join us at 18:30 with any questions and will be available to renew or take out new memberships in IGRA for 2013 (120 NIS individuals, 160 NIS couples). Our lecturer will be Pamela Weisberger and everyone will come away with new information from her lecture. The lecture begins at 19:00.
IMPORTANT: The AACI has notified us that the elevator is under repair and may not be working that evening. Please be prepared and leave time to walk up the stairs if necessary.
For those not able to be with us in person, the lecture will be broadcast as a webinar: Reserve your place now at:
Chutes & Ladders: Innovative Approaches to Genealogy
Game on, genealogists! Are you eager to connect the dots, score points and populate the branches of your family tree? In this interactive lecture you’ll learn how to navigate your genealogical “game board” using imaginative strategies and unusual databases. Scale brick walls in a single bound by manipulating Google, Internet Archive, Facebook, Acris, Geni, ProQuest and Zabasearch. Locate M.I.A. relatives through real estate, court and bank records. Discover treasures in rare book, auction and cartography sites. Go directly to jail to uncover a family scandal (or mug shot!) Explore historical newspapers and learn the “Rosetta Stone” technique of searching in foreign languages. Like hunting for the afikomen on Seder night, the genealogical prizes you seek are often nearby, but well hidden. We’ll travel from the U.S. to overseas archives in a single bound. Get out your detective’s notepad and hone your powers of deduction to find the missing pieces of your family’s jigsaw puzzle! This talk will be more enlightening (and fun) than a barrel of monkeys. Everybody wins!
Pamela Weisberger is President and Research coordinator for Gesher Galicia and 1st V.P. program chair for the Jewish Genealogical Society of Los Angeles. She co-chaired the 2010 IAJGS Conference and IAJGS film festivals, and has produced several genealogically-themed documentaries. She has lectured internationally on a variety of genealogical topics and as a professional researcher she has worked in Ukrainian, Polish and Austrian archives. Pamela holds a B.A. from Washington University and an M.S. from Boston University. She’s proud to have worked on the IAJGS 2013 Boston Conference video which is coming to a YouTube near you very soon.