Every summer the IAJGS (International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies) brings together thousands of people to learn, question and experience subjects connected with Jewish Genealogy.  Each year the Conference is in a different destination – and each destination has something unique to offer.

July 27 – August 1, 2014 the IAJGS Conference will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Salt Lake City is the center for the Mormon Family History Library.  The Family History Library has so many resources, microfilms, books and other records.  A portion of the collection of the Family History Library is available on the FamilySearch website but much, much more is available if you are there to research in person. Salt Lake City is situated in the state of Utah, home of some of the most amazing natural wonders in the world.

The Conference will present sessions on many topics connected with genealogy – from workshops dealing with software, research tips, in depth information regarding ancestral communities to special sessions commemorating 100 years since the beginning of WWI.  There are opportunities to meet up with people having similar interests, some who may actually be related!  There’s a unique film festival, a “Share Fair”, a great Resource Room, people on hand to help translate documents and so much more.  The excitement of meeting up with so many Jewish genealogists from all around the world is difficult to adequately describe if you haven’t had the experience.

The IAJGS has decided that since not everyone is able to make the trip to the Conference they initiated Conference LIVE! a year ago.  Conference LIVE! brings much of the excitement of the Conference right to you – wherever you are.  You can opt to listen to lectures in real time and also have the recordings available to you for the three months following the Conference.  Click here for the promo we prepared so you can get a feel for the quality of the streaming and the lectures.  The full schedule of the lectures offered on LIVE! is available here.

We encourage those able to make the trip to Salt Lake City to join us there and for those not able to – consider registering for LIVE!  IGRA has a special code giving you a 10% discount on the cost of LIVE! (LIVE422).

In any case, we wish you all a summer rich with research possibilities.