IGRA has a variety of volunteer opportunities and hopes that you will join us in one or more areas.
The IAJGS International Jewish Genealogy Conference is coming to Jerusalem – July 6-10, 2015. We have already begun planning and need help in many areas. We have people assisting so far from the United States, England and Israel. If you haven’t done so already, please fill out the Conference volunteer form (English, Hebrew) and let us know what areas you feel you can assist.
We continue to work producing databases. We have material in both Hebrew and English waiting for volunteers! Help us make additional information available. Knowledge of Excel is necessary. Write to us for information ([email protected]).
IGRA is making inroads with the BillionGraves/MyHeritage project documenting the cemeteries in Israel (and abroad). Many people have gone out and photographed tombstones using the app adding to the collection and others have begun transcribing the tombstone information on the BillionGraves website.
We need people to help with programming and mentoring. We are looking for people with technical skills to help with our website and webinars. Please contact us at [email protected] and let us know you’re interested!