IGRA has four lectures in the coming weeks. We are taking advantage of local talent as well as traveling genealogists who will share with us their special topics. Some of these lectures will also be available as webinars, but not all. Please check the lecture locations as well as the details for reserving your spot on the webinars – remember the time listed is Israel Standard Time (IST).
December 16, 2013 – Jerusalem, AACI, 37 Pierre Koenig, 4th floor. Our meeting opens at 18:30 when we have an opportunity for people to interact and exchange information on their research. Members are available to help those with research challenges. At 19:00 Neil Rosenstein will lecture on “Debunking Rabbinical Genealogical Myths”.
December 19, 2013 – Rehovot. At 19:30 Ami Elyasaf, Director of the International Institute of Jewish Genealogy, will lecture on “Historical and Family Perspectives in the Annals of a Jewish Shtetl in Galicia”. For information on the location of the lecture, please contact: [email protected]
December 23, 2013 – Petah Tikva. At 20:00 Tomasz Jankowski will lecture on “Sources for Jewish Genealogy in Ukraine”. For information on the location of the lecture, please contact: [email protected]. This lecture will also be broadcast as a webinar. To reserve your place at this webinar, please follow this link: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/489254510
January 1, 2014 – Jerusalem, AACI, 37 Pierre Koenig, 4th floor. Our meeting opens at 18:30 when we have an opportunity for people to interact and exchange information on their research. Members are available to help those with research challenges. At 19:00 Genie Milgrom, President of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Miami will speak on: “The History of the Hidden Jews in Fermoselle”. This lecture will also be broadcast as a webinar. To reserve your place at this webinar, please follow this link: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/733200206