As we approach the opening of the 36th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy to be held in Seattle from August 7 – 12, 2016, IGRA has released a new set of records. We encourage you to look at the preview regarding these additional databases. Here is the list of new databases:
- Marriage Registrations in Jerusalem 1905 – 1913
This a partial list from the ledger found in the Archive of the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communites, Jerusalem found in the Jerusalem Municipal Archives. It contains 2,238 brides and grooms (1,119 couples) with names of their fathers and the date of their marriage. The ledger belongs to the Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities, Jerusalem, who have given permission to publish this database. British Administration Databases – Israel Genealogy Research Association
- Mishmar Haemek
An list of 2,005 people who appear in the Mishmar Haemek and Shomriya Archive.
Journalists Two lists of journalists from 1945 and 1948 published by the Association of Palestine Journalists.
- Marriage & Divorce Certificates issued during the Mandate Period 1921-1948
The Israel State Archives has asked IGRA to build a database of over 50,000 certificates from this period. The project will take 3-4 years. These are not the same as the ledgers in the Rabbanut, but are the certificates issued upon request. Some certificates are for marriages that took place 3-20 years before. We have added 2504 additional certificates with this release.
- Pinkas Bogrim (Adult Lists = Voters List) for Knesset Israel 1942
This is another name for the voters’ lists for the Knesset Israel under the British Administration. This addition adds 15 new settlements and close to 2000 voters.
2008 Regional Elections A list of 2,282 elected officials for various local elections through out Israel. It was found on the website of the Ministry of Interior.
- 2012 Candidates for Regional Elections A list of 4,985 candidates for various local elections through out Israel. It was found on the website of the Ministry of Interior.
- Religous Services
- Religous Services – 2013 – A list of 397 Mohalim licensed to perform a Brit Milah.
- Religous Services – 2016 – A list of 1,755 Rabbis who may conduct marriage ceremonies. this list is from the website of the Ministry of Religious Services.
- Billion Graves – 8,400 Tombstones from all around Israel.